This research investigates formalization and automation techniques for design of asynchronous systems. Techniques for design of asynchronous systems. Techniques for managing multiple, independently synchronized domains under a methodology in which timing and communication can be explicitly specified, synthesized, and verified are being explored. specific tools and techniques being developed for the design of mixed-timed systems include: a performance and power optimizing compiler; a synthesis tool to produce technology-independent circuits; a technology mapping tool that takes the implementation and maps it to high- performance gate libraries; and a timing verification tool. In addition, new design methods are being developed to produce: high-performance mixed-timed data paths, and an interface between synchronous and asynchronous modules. The PI's education plan includes: curriculum emphasis on communication skills through course project reports and presentations; development of new computer engineering courses; promoting interdisciplinary activities; incorporating research activities into the curriculum through class and summer projects; and fostering interaction with industry through student summer internships.