9702079 Torczon This project will set up, advertise, and award support for around 19 selected faculty members to attend the Programming Language Design and Implementation conference (PLDI'97) in Las Vegas, June 15-18, 1997. In addition, SIGPLAN will sponsor an educational tutorial track and waive the tutorial fees and conference registration fees for the selected participants. The topics of the tutorials are chosen to improve the effectiveness of faculty members teaching undergraduate courses in the area of programming and programming languages. The selection will be based on a competitive process with several criteria, the most significant being that the person be a teaching faculty member at an undergraduate institution with a large minority enrollment or a women's college. They will also be asked to demonstrate that they lack independent institutional support to attend without such funding. This activity follows the lines of similar activities sponsored for PLDI in 1994 and 1996. It is expected that this opportunity for faculty directly involved in the teaching of undergraduate minority and women students will assist these students in entering successful careers in computer or related sciences. ***