Biomolecular Computation (BMC) is an area of great potential due to the massive parallelism available at the molecular scale. However, a realistic assessment must also take into account that research in this area possesses considerable risk, due to its lack of maturity. This is a multi-group effort encompassing several groups within the United States working on BMC. The goal of this project is to organize the energies of these groups so as to harness a collective accomplishments that may exceed the individual efforts. This project will emphasize collaborative development of the infrastructure in support of BMC, to further develop and test its basic capabilities. The groups will investigate key aspects of BMC. These will include: Demonstrations of BMC. The key subtakes are: word design; register design for storage and retrieval of logical and numeric information; execution of basic operations such as logical and arithmetric operations, and the sequential chaining of these operations; input of data and readout of results and interfacing with silicon-based computers; and methods to improve error resiliency. Nano-construction of New 3D Structures. Applications of BMC. This will include: biological applications exploration and demonstrations of intractable NP search problems solution of analog problems Software Tools. For simulation, design and associated mathematical models.