Circuit simulators are often used to analyze non-electrical problems when it is noted that such a problem has an analogous electrical description. This is certainly the case for micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). But it should be noted that circuit simulators have been greatly optimized over the years for the analysis of large transistor circuits, and cannot be used to simulate MEMS designs. In fact, general purpose simulators, such as SCEPTRE, have fallen into disuse. This research explores the possibility of a MEMS-specific simulation tool, with a focus on the questions: 1. Is nodal formulation and traditional circuit simulation the best way to simulate MEMS? 2. If not, is the potential improvement significant enough to justify a specific tool? A prototype simulator in MATLAB is being built to demonstrate concepts. This borrows from prior work on circuit simulation. Applications of algorithms, such as Asymptotic Waveform Evaluation (AWE), and successive chords for nonlinear iteration, are being investigated for simulation of MEMS.