The project investigates effective public Case-Base System (CBS) tool-kits using a validated Software Reuse Reference Model (SRRM). CBS-SRRM allows the software engineer to improve reuse practice by capitalizing on effective practice-based knowledge derived from different software development organizations' reuse practices. CBS-SRRM provides software engineers with a way to utilize lessons learned by other organizations. The tool-kit also promotes recurrence of good reuse practices. The research focuses on a more effective means for software development organizations to find alternative solutions to problems in successful practice of reuse. We demonstrate that developing a CBS-SRRM that will allow software developers to learn how organizations similar to theirs have successfully adopted, utilized and managed this technology can support improved reuse practices. The plan is to research, develop and make publicly available what we and our affiliates have learned through our evolving set of case studies, surveys, interviews and experimental results. This plan is carried out by researching and developing a publicly accessible reuse practices CBS for the software engineering community using lessons learned and reuse experiences from successful enterprises based upon a validated SRRM that incorporates important technical, organizational and cultural factors needed in adopting, utilizing and managing reuse technology.