With the support of the Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry Program in the Chemistry Division, Professor Joel H. Collier of the University of Cincinnati will design, synthesize, and characterize a family of peptide-based molecules that can be self-assembled, easily manipulated, and chemoselectively stabilized to form synthetic extracellular matrices. Factorial experimental design will be utilized to tune these materials in a systematic fashion to produce synthetic gels and surfaces that maximize a specific desirable biological outcome, in this case epithelialization to form a functional barrier tissue. The development of synthetic materials that can predictably interface with living cells in a manner that is biospecific, multi-functional, and tunable has become one of the more fundamental and difficult issues in the field of biomaterials chemistry. This research represents a strategy towards designing synthetic materials that are both complexly bioactive and tunable, a combination of properties that is facilitated by the materials' modularity and self-assembling nature.
With the support of this CAREER award from the Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry Program, Professor Collier will promote two complementary outreach programs designed to take advantage of the multidisciplinary nature and personal relevance of biomaterials chemistry. To enhance the retention of minority undergraduates in the sciences, a research co-op program will be established in collaboration with the extensive co-op program of the University of Cincinnati. To enhance the interest of young people in pursuing technical careers, an intermediate-level outreach program will bring the hands-on excitement of the research lab to local public middle schools. The broader impacts of this work include training undergraduate and graduate students in multidisciplinary science with a focus in macromolecular chemistry, working towards the goal of enhancing minority retention in the sciences, and inspiring young minds to consider exciting multidisciplinary scientific careers.