This "Small Grant for Exploratory Research" supports Prof. Andrei Fedorov for development and demonstration of a nanoscale chemical imaging device, the scanning mass spectrometer (SMS) probe, based on a novel approach to electrospray ionization (reverse-Taylor-cone electrospray). If successful, the device may extend the reach of imaging mass spectrometry, allowing, for the first time, in vitro transient imaging mass spectrometry of biomolecules under physiological conditions. Its value to biological and health related research activities is potentially especially significant, as biochemical imaging of live cells and tissues can be used to answer otherwise intractable questions of cell biology, and can lead to new diagnostic capabilities.
The research is important for advancement of both basic science and for new technology development. It will provide an improved understanding of transport phenomena for nanoelectrospray ionization from reverse Taylor cones. Due to the wide range of foreseeable uses, from forensics to manufacturing to biochemical imaging, the probe should rapidly find widespread utilization. Students and postdocs involved in the effort will be exposed to a broad, interdisciplinary program which will prepare them to contribute across a spectrum of important fundamental and applied research areas.