The Analytical and Surface Chemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry supports work of Prof. Nicolo Omenetto and collaborators David Hahn and Benjamin Smith at the University of Florida for an International Collaboration in Chemistry involving Prof. Kay Niemax and Dr. Carmen Cecilia Garcia at the University of Dortmund Institute for Analytical Sciences, Dr. Igor Gornushkin at the BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, and Prof. Ulrich Panne at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, to investigate the complex plasma-analyte interactions directly related to the ultimate analyte response and to the quality of the results provided by laser-ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry, inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. The research seeks to transform these analytical methods by solving problems associated with the plasma-analyte interface, thereby providing an essential step forward to support, for example, efforts in microanalysis, the nanosciences, novel materials development, and the biosciences. The research involves a combination of theoretical modeling and innovative experimental methods. This international collaborative research project is supported jointly by NSF and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The study is also supported by the Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) at NSF.
In addition to the scientific program, the project also functions to educate and train science and engineering students in the important technology areas of plasma science and advanced analytical schemes. The overall program directly impacts undergraduate and graduate students by increasing their involvement in an international learning environment strongly coupled to research activities, and to emerging technologies and real-world analytical applications. Through direct participation in the research, including summer research projects, independent study for undergraduate students, and teaching modules for the NSF/Howard Hughes Medical Institute Science for Life core laboratory, students will gain a broad education.