This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).
In this project, supported by the Experimental Physical Chemistry Program of the Chemistry Division, Professor M. Samy El-Shall of the Virginia Commonwealth University will study the kinetics of polymer-forming ion-molecule reactions, investigate the structures of these organic products in the gas phase and in preformed clusters, and develop new methods for studying the structural properties and chemistry of organic molecules produced by catalytic polymerization of molecular vapors on nanoparticle catalyst supports. The experimental aspects of the project will involve mass spectrometry, mass-selected ion mobility (MSIM), and thermochemical equilibrium (in collaboration with Prof. Michael Mautner) techniques. Theoretical calculations of molecular collision cross-sections, which support the interpretation of MSIM results, will be done in collaboration with Professor Sam Abrash at the University of Richmond.
The outcomes of this research are expected to have significant impact on a number of areas beyond physical chemistry such as organic aerosols, flames and combustion chemistry, nanocatalysis and polymerization processes as well as on several other disciplines, most notably astrophysics, atmospheric and materials sciences. Advancing the current understanding of the formation and growth mechanisms of complex organics in flames, combustion and organic aerosols could lead to better protection strategies and potential human health benefits. The proposed project will also serve as a training platform for undergraduate and graduate students in highly interdisciplinary activities. The project will also focus on expanding the participation of undergraduates in research through the joint research partnership with the University of Richmond and the existing REU program at VCU, and on developing outreach programs to high school students and teachers to convey the content and excitement of science.