This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).
The Division of Chemistry supports Daniel de Lill of the University of Nevada at Reno as an American Competitiveness in Chemistry Fellow. Dr. de Lill will synthesize and characterize new ligands for the complexation and sensitization of lanthanide ions. In addition, he will study the ability of the lanthanide-ligand complexes to bind to nanocrystalline quantum dots. The latter work will be carried out in collaboration with scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory. For his plan for broadening participation, the PI will work with media and public relations experts to create and promote YouTube videos, suitable for young audiences, highlighting the impact of chemistry in modern society.
Research like that of Dr. de Lill is aimed at developing new materials for better phosphorescent materials, as well as developing a better understanding of how current materials work. The ultimate goal of research like this is to develop new materials with improved performance in lighting, displays and other applications. The efforts at broadening participation being pursued by Dr. de Lill are aimed at increasing the participation of young people from underrepresented groups in the sciences.