The Chemical Catalysis Program in the Chemistry Division at the National Science Foundation supports Professor Reuben Simoyi of Portland State University for investigation of mechanisms and metabolite chemistry of novel organsulfur compounds as related to drug development. The goal of this work is to synthesize several series of drug-related thiourea derivatives, along with other organosulfur compounds, and evaluate both their metabolic activations and the reactivity of the resulting metabolites. Many new drugs contain organosulfur moieties and this work will help establish a deeper mechanistic understanding and quantify systematic protocols to assess their physiological response.
Broader impacts of this research include its true interdisciplinary nature, blending synthesis with analytical methods to study an important class of biologically active molecules. Professor Simoyi has an outstanding track record with undergraduate researchers and in the training of scientists from underrepresented groups in his laboratory. This work will have a translational impact on the pharmaceutical industry by facilitating successful predictions of active compounds as potential drugs.