This award from the Division of Chemistry (CHE) and the Division of Materials Research (DMR) supports a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site led by Holly Gaede at Texas A & M University. The research projects supported in this site are in areas of biological, materials and environmental chemistry. Undergraduates will be recruited to this site primarily from institutions that lack infrastructure to support undergraduate research, including students from underrepresented groups. The site will support ten students per summer in a ten week program. A sample of the projects that undergraduates will work on include: (1) the synthesis and reactivity of analogs of enzyme active sites; (2) the synthesis of biodegradable polymers from renewable resources; (3) the measurement and study of trace gases in the atmosphere; (4) the development of self-organizing nanoscale materials and devices; (5) the development of nanoscopically-complex, non-toxic, antifouling marine coatings and (6) the use of responsive soluble polymeric supports for green chemistry applications. In addition to conducting research during the summer, the students participating in this program will participate in a number of professional development activities, and will have expanded opportunities for presentation of research at national disciplinary meetings.
Young scientists need exposure to modern research methods and tools as part of their training. This REU site aims to provide cutting-edge research training in the chemical sciences, with a strong emphasis on areas of science with important societal impacts. Undergraduate researchers participating in this site will have significant, hands-on access to sophisticated research tools. The diverse student cohort participating in research at this site will be well-prepared for graduate school, and eventual employment as part of the country's technical workforce.