The Division of Chemistry supports this project led by the NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates Leadership Group (REU-LG), a group of Chemistry REU Site Directors and others from the chemistry undergraduate research community. The group was created to support and enhance the REU Sites Program, which consists of all of the Chemistry REU Sites. The proposed activities leverage the success of prior results, while introducing new methods for achieving the four defined goals. For enhanced communication, biannual LG Executive meetings allows for the continued planning, development and action upon ideas critical to the REU. The new method of introducing "touchpoints" at national ACS meetings provides an opportunity for current and potential Site Directors and Principal Investigators (SD/PI) to obtain information from and give feedback to the National Science Foundation. The new website,, advertises, promotes, and acts as a resource for SD/PI, especially for newly established Sites. The LG fosters new ideas that streamline and strengthen the REU program. For example, the problem of a common application protocol will be discussed and outlined to build towards a novel solution that is important to the long-range impact of the REU model. For quality and efficiency, the planned 2015 SD/PI workshop will give the community the chance to define and discuss contemporary issues facing undergraduate research. For continuity, annual symposia at the National ACS Spring meeting will bring the community together to focus upon a topic with a tangible outcome, such as an ACS Symposium Book. The REU Leadership Group provides a cohesive center of communication and resources for the Chemistry REU community.
This project will diversify the REU Sites Program and create synergistic partnerships with LSAMP and other organizations that pursue the common goal of enhancing undergraduate education. The new initiative of partnering with the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (LSAMP) faculty has the potential to create a new NSF model for broadening participation of underrepresented groups. The LG and LSAMP groups will meet at least twice a year to set the groundwork for future initiatives. One idea is to replicate the 2005 joint NSF/LSAMP Workshop held at the ACS National Meeting in Atlanta with the goal of sustainability. The REU LG will focus on the broadening the participation of underrepresented groups in the Chemistry REU community and on increasing the visibility and prestige of the entire REU Sites Program nationally.