With this award, the Chemical Synthesis program of the Chemistry Division is supporting the research of Professor Tehshik Yoon of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Professor Tehshik Yoon will develop new ways to control the synthesis of aminoalcohols. These groups are responsible for the selective binding of many drugs and drug-like molecules to biological receptors. In order for a drug to bind tightly and with high selectivity for one target over countless others in a cell, these N and O groups must be introduced with a specific spatial orientation. The methods developed in this project employ an innovative strategy that allows for exquisite control over the molecular shape of aminoalcohols using inexpensive, non-toxic iron and copper catalysts.
Due to the importance of nitrogen- and oxygen-containing compounds in biological chemistry, this work has the potential to impact the manufacture and discovery of a wide variety of medicines, agrochemicals, and biomaterials. Given that the reactions involve sustainable base-metal catalysts, these methods could also result in the reduction of toxic wastes in the manufacturing of aminoalcohol-based compounds. In addition, this project will enable the development of new strategies to use social media in scientific and educational outreach, including to populations historically underrepresented in the sciences.