Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) spectroscopy is a technique used by chemists to study the properties of molecules having an electronic configuration containing unpaired electrons. In this manner, the structures of a wide variety of intermediates can be understood. The Department of Chemistry at the University of California, Santa Barbara will use this award that is joint-funded by the Chemistry Shared Instrumentation Program, the Biology Instrumentation Program, and the Instrumentation for Materials Research Program to help acquire an ESR spectrometer. Some of the areas of research that will be enhanced by the acquisition include: 1) Mechanisms of biochemically important oxidation-reduction reactions 2) Metallo-protein studies 3) Design, synthesis, and characterization of new microporous hosts 4) Characterization of ferromagnetic metal molecular intermediates 5) Nucleophilic aromatic substitution 6) Photoreactions of metal complexes 7) Studies related to the 1,3-diyl trapping reaction.