This renewal grant in the Organic Dynamics Program provides support for the research of Dr. Gene Wubbels of Grinnell College. The project will engage six undergraduates in organic synthesis, photochemistry, isolation and characterization of reaction products and measurement of reaction kinetics and will take place in a well-equipped, non-graduate department that has been a significant baccalaureate source of Ph.D.'s in chemistry. The theme of the research is catalysis of homogeneous photochemical reactions and mechanisms of nucleophilic aromatic photosubstitution. The research will continue to explore the novel subject of catalysis in photochemistry by determining the nature of Bronsted Catalysis Law plots, obtaining definitive evidence for electron hole transfer catalysis involving hydroxide ion, and elucidating the structural requirements governing a case in which base catalysis competes with quenching. Intermediate structures involved in intramolecular photodisplacement of hydrogen on an aromatic ring will be elucidated and the "element effect" on nucleophilic aromatic photosubstitution will be measured for the first time.