This project is in the general area of analytical and surface chemistry and in the subfield of photoelectrochemistry. During the tenure of this three-year continuing grant, Professor Bard and his students will pursue fundamental investigations of electrochemical and photoelectrochemical reactions at the semiconductor/liquid interface. Three specific photoelectrochemical research thrusts will be pursued, namely (1) the preparation, characterization, and study of quantum particles and films of cadmium (II) and iron (IV) sulfides; (2) studies of the influence of semiconductor surface structure on photoelectrochemical efficiency using scanning tunneling microscopy and tunneling spectroscopy techniques; and (3) preparation of new semiconductor materials by photodeposition of metals on semiconductor single crystal, polycrystalline film, and particle surfaces and by chemical vapor deposition and homogeneous synthetic routes. %%% This research builds upon results obtained under Dr. Bard's previous NSF grant, CHE-8805865. In addition to providing fundamental insights into the processes that occur at the semiconductor/liquid interface, this research is of particular interest in the application of semiconductor-based systems for the utilization of solar energy in such areas as the production of useful chemicals and the destruction of wastes.