The focus of this research is the synthesis and study of thioquinones, selena and telluro anhydrides, chalcogenofulvenes and chalcogenofulvalenes, and nonclassical thiophenes. The results in the fulvene-fulvalene areas are expected to lead to one-dimensional conductors and perhaps to new superconductors. Charge transfer complexes with unusual solid state properties will also be sought as will new routes to organotellurium compounds. It is possible that the research will lead to the production of new conducting polymers and near infrared dyes. %%% With this renewal award, the Synthetic Organic Program is supporting the research of Drs. Michael P. Cava and M.V. Lakshmikantham of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Alabama. The research is focused on the bonding, stability and utility of the C=X (X=S,Se,Te) bond. Results in this area will lead to a better understanding of the properties of such compopunds and subsequent application to the design of organic materials including synthetic metals and those possessing nonlinear optical properties.