Proposal: 9312012 ABSTRACT Date: 06/08/93 PI: Richey Institution: Pennsylvania State University The preparation of main-group organometallic compounds will be developed, and the structures and reactions of these compounds will be elucidated. One portion of the research will be directed to new strategies for synthesizing organometallate anions and coordinated organometallic cations. The procedure involves the conversion of one organometallic compound, with a suitable coordinating agent, to a coordinated organometallic cation, and in the process, a negative group is transferred to a second organometallic compound to give an organometallate ion. In a second portion of the work, mechanisms of reactions of organomagnesiate and organozincate species with ketones will be studied. The third portion of the research will develop new synthetic procedures for organomagnesiate ions and determine structural features of these ions. %%% This grant from the Organic Dynamics Program supports the continuing work of Professor Herman G. Richey at Pennsylvania State University. New strategies will be developed for the synthesis of organometallic compounds where the metal ions (magnesium and zinc) carry a negative charge. The structures of the organometallic species will be determined by x-ray and spectroscopic methods. Reactions of these organometallic compounds will be investigated, where particular attention will be paid to new synthetic applications. ***