9315396 Fitch This project is in the general area of analytical and surface chemistry and focuses on the electrochemical investigation of the transport properties of clays. During the tenure of this three year continuing grant, Professor Alanah Fitch and her students at Loyola University of Chicago will use clay-modified electrodes to investigate the diffusion of ions through well characterized clay layers. The effects of pressure and electrolyte concentration on the swelling and transport properties of the clay materials will be examined. Also, the influence of multiple solutes on these properties will be explored to determine the extent of cooperative or synergistic transport. This experimental investigation is designed to further our understanding of the soil-based transport of typical pollutants, including both hydrophobic organic materials and anionic radiochemicals, through clay containment beds. %%% This research is expected to provide an enhanced understanding of several important processes which take place within the clay materials that are used to line chemical waste disposal repositories. Among the issues to be explored are the effects of various toxic chemicals on the characteristics of these clay materials, including their swelling and transport properties. The successful pursuit of the goals of this project should enable more accurate prediction of the rates of escape of pollutants from containment sites. ***