This project addresses the development and exploitation of a simple technique for preparation of combinatorial libraries of compounds whose synthetic histories are encoded by position along a one-dimensional solid support. This approach combines the attractive statistical control, simplicity, and flexibility of the split-mix synthetic procedure with the full library analysis of a spatial encoding approach. Equipment requirements are simpler than those for other spatial-encoding techniques, and Fourier transformation of the signal output will lead directly to structure-activity relationships. With the support of a Small Grant for Exploratory Research from the Organic Synthesis Program, Professor Alan W. Schwabacher, of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, is developing an approach for the generation and analysis of combinatorial libraries. By adapting known methods for the preparation of such `libraries` (groups of related compounds) to incorporate the libraries along a one-dimensional solid support, these studies may lead to the development of techniques requiring only simple equipment and permitting rapid analysis of structure-activity relationships.