This proposal was received in response to Nanoscale Science and Engineering Initiative, NSF 01-157, category NIRT. Our interdisciplinary team is investigating a new process for nanoscale machining employing field emission of electrons from carbon nanotubes. High-precision nanomachining will be obtained by the concentrated thermal power transmitted by electron beams to a thin-film workpiece. In order to investigate the nanomachining process, we will develop a staggered probe that integrates multiple carbon nanotubes on a single probe for integrated nanometrology by scanning probe microscopy and nanomachining by field emission. Such probes will enable the experimental demonstration and investigation of nanomachining with field emission from nanotubes.
This research will demonstrate a new high-precision manufacturing process for producing nano-scale patterns that will impact many disciplines such as nanoelectronics, nanoscience, biology, and energy. The research will foster a multi-university, interdisciplinary partnership in the areas of precision manufacturing, nanoscale thermal sciences, solid-state physics, and material science. A broad set of educational and outreach activities will include nanotechnology workshops chemistry and pre-engineering students at Kentucky State University (KSU) and a summer microscopy fellowship for KSU minority students at the University of Kentucky's microscopy facility.