The proposed activity will facilitate the participation of graduate students and young researchers in the 9th ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Methods (PMC04). The Conference will be held in Albuquerque New Mexico on July 26-28 2004. In particular travel expenses, accommodations and conference registration fees for ten students will be covered by this activity.
Intellectual Merits
Probabilistic mechanics is increasingly becoming more significant in the analysis of complex systems exhibiting multiscale and multiphysics behavior. The PMC04 Conference provides a unique forum for the nurturing and development of these ideas in the context of engineering mechanics. Sessions are being organized both in traditional areas of engineering such as wind, earthquake and offshore engineering as well as in more cutting edge areas such as nanomechanics, optimization under uncertainty, and risk management of complex systems. It is expected that about 250 participants will take present their work at this meeting.
Broader Impact
Special attention will be given to the inclusion of minorities and women in the group of participants supported by this grant. The broader impact of the proposed activity consists of providing young researchers with the opportunity to participate in the premier international conference on probabilistic methods. This will expose these researchers to the diversity of current thinking and approaches for this increasingly important branch of science and engineering.