The proposed research aims to develop unique biomimetic scaffolds for the synthesis and assembly of novel multi-component metal oxide materials. Biomineraliztion processes result in an expansive array of complex materials. Inspired by silica condensing systems found in diatoms and sponges, the potential use of the awesome discriminating power of biology to drive nanoscale assembly will be explored. Specifically, (1) Develop a series of biomimetic templates capable of catalyzing the formation of Si02, Ti02, Ga203 and Ge02. (2) Capitalize on the biomimetic template's structure and function to prepare novel metal oxide composites incorporating additional nanoscale material or biological components. (3) Assemble novel composite metal oxide materials through patterned biomimetically active surfaces. By bridging two previously unconnected but crucial areas of nanoscience and biotechnology, steps towards bringing the power of biological materials synthesis of hierarchical multi-component systems will be made.