The mission of the Disasters Roundtable is to facilitate and enhance communication and the exchange of ideas among scientists, practitioners, and policy makers in order to identify emerging issues related to natural, technological, and other types of disasters. To accomplish this objective, the Roundtable convenes three workshops a year which provide a forum for discussion on issues related to the understanding and mitigation of disasters.
In terms of intellectual merit, the Roundtable brings together scientific and technical experts on hazards and disasters to identify, discuss, and advance issues that require regional, national, and global attention. Multidisciplinary scientific groups are involved in the discussions, reflecting the nature of the risks posed by hazards and disasters to society and the areas of knowledge that must be advanced to counter such risks.
In terms of broader impacts, the Roundtable is a neutral meeting ground for scientists, practitioners, and policy makers to exchange information and ideas. It also provides a venue to increase the public's understanding of critical issues related to hazard vulnerability and the science and engineering associated with hazard mitigation, and disaster preparedness, response and recovery.