The objective of this grant is to provide registration support for invited speakers of the upcoming World Tribology Congress to be held in mid-September 2005 in Washington DC. Tribology is an enabling science that will contribute to the development of new products and processes in all industrial sectors. This event brings scientists, researchers, engineers and students of tribology from over 50 countries into one setting in order to (i) channel useful information towards industrialists, policy makers and the general public; (ii) identify technology challenges and possible solution pathways; (iii) offer networking opportunities for future collaborations; and (iv) stimulate research in new areas of tribology (e.g., nanostructured materials, molecular modeling, smart materials and surfaces).
Research and development in the discipline of tribology has encouraged industrial modernization and has had strong impact on resource (energy and materials) consumption through quality improvements and efficiencies. By enhancing the technical program of the World Tribology Congress with invited speakers, knowledge will be exchanged to continue this trend.