A major challenge in using stochastic self-assembly as a manufacturing paradigm is to deterministically assemble complex structures comprising large numbers of particles in specified, non-regular geometries. Our goal in this grant is to exploit dynamic microfluidic effects both to accelerate and to control self-assembly of micro-scale tiles (microtiles). The approach we are using is based on a hierarchical, dynamically-programmable fluidic self-assembly of components. Once in place, each component can further control local flow to attract or repel additional microtiles and thus explicitly direct and accelerate the 'growth' of the target structure or recover from assembly errors. Our objective is to demonstrate the formation of groups of microtiles into specified millimeter-scale assemblies.
If successful, the results of this research will open the door to future low-cost, scalable fabrication of three-dimensional micro-scale devices, required in numerous applications. Results from this research will also be used to develop educational software for demonstrating and experiencing the challenges and opportunities involved in manufacturing based on self-assembly concepts.