This Major Research Instrumentation (MRI)research proposes to acquire a particle-image-velocimetry (PIV) system to conduct basic fluid flow experiments, both as part of research and education. The PIV system consists of a dual cavity Nd-Yag laser, a sensitive CCD camera to capture flow pattern in complex flow situations, and dedicated image-correlation and analysis software. The acquisition of this system will have direct impact on the infrastructure of fluid-mechanics laboratory of the relatively new engineering department of the university. The research activities of the undergraduate and master's students in fluid mechanics area will be considerably enhanced. The system will be used to understand the complex wake structure behind heated two and three cylinders as part of fluid flow study behind hot bluff bodies. The flow visualization and quantitative data will be compared to the work of other researchers without the effect of heat addition. This understanding will give insight into the complex wake dynamics of bluff bodies in such situations. The research will have direct impact on the design of devices involving similar flow situations such as in a heat exchanger. The PIV system will also be used in the research work related to shock-accelerated flows.
The research work using the PIV system will involve undergraduate and graduate students, including women, from the under-represented Hispanic population. The PIV system will also be used in demonstrating fluid flow around bodies such as automobiles and airplanes for visiting summer students to motivate them to choose careers in science and engineering. The system will be integrated into the teaching of fluid mechanics courses both at graduate and undergraduate level. The PIV capability of the fluid mechanics laboratory will attract researchers from the biology department of the university in analyzing fluid flows in biological systems and thus open doors for exciting interdisciplinary research. This PIV system will be the only equipment of its kind in the university and in the Rio-Grande valley region. It will also further the PI's and the university's goal of providing meaningful research opportunities for undergraduate students of the region.