The objective of this Small Grant for Exploratory Research (SGER) project is to identify attributes of algae and properties of carrier materials that enable growth of certain algae species on solid carriers, in order to gain knowledge critical to the design of major equipment, including solid carriers, in-the-ocean algae harvesting equipment, and oil extraction machines, for manufacturing algae biofuels in the ocean. The research will be conducted with a two-step approach. (1) Selected algae species will be grown on solid carriers in a simulated ocean environment and be evaluated in terms of their ability to attach to solid carriers and grow in seawater, biomass productivity, and oil content. Attributes of highly ranked algae species will be identified. (2) Top-ranked species in step one will be selected to test the performance of several carrier materials including natural organic, synthetic organic, and inorganic materials with the same evaluation parameters as in step one. Properties of highly ranked solid carrier materials will be analyzed.
This research aims to develop a cost-effective process for growing algae on solid carriers in the ocean for biofuel manufacturing. If successful, it will greatly benefit the economy and energy security of the United States, as well as society in general. This research will have a positive impact on the engineering education at Kansas State University by involving graduate and undergraduate students in the interdisciplinary research team and incorporating the research results into the PI's courses.