Understanding the entire range of coastal hazards is becoming increasingly necessary as populations shift towards nearshore areas. Coastal hazards typically cause flooding and predicting the maximum penetration of the water inland is important in efforts to reduce the coastal destruction and save lives. Flooding from tsunamis generated from earthquakes is far better understood than tsunamis that are generated by submarine ground movements that resemble underwater avalanches. While there have been some attempts to estimate the initial waves caused by submarine slides, predictions vary over a wide range for the same slide conditions, and it is very difficult to meaningfully evaluating the hazard.
This research aims at the derivation of empirical formulae that more reliably allow for prediction of initial waves from submarine mass movements. We will use the state-of-the-art hydrocode iSALE which incorporates most essential physical processes to jointly simulate the movement of the slide masses and the generation of the surface waves. The sliding mass is represented as a deformable material and moves freely under the influence of gravity. No external forcing is needed. In this way, not only we can simulate slides that were studied in laboratory experiments, but also able to investigate slides on realistic scales employing realistic geo- materials. We will also develop a graphic tool to allow easy visualization of the landslide motion and the ocean or lake waves that are generated.