This symposium and associated workshop will bring together architects, scientists and engineers who are pioneering new models for collaboration towards the innovation of next generation building materials that adapt and respond to users and the environment. Importantly, this symposium will feature an associated workshop that will bring together for the first time the architects who are a part of the ten winning NSF Emerging Frontiers for Research Innovation Program (EFRI), Science of Energy and Environmental Design (SEED): Engineering Sustainable Buildings, projects across the US. The EFRI-SEED principal investigators will discuss the successes and failures of these new collaborative models and next steps for implementing design research infrastructure in our architecture schools to ensure that this type of cutting edge research has longevity and long-term impact upon the field of sustainable design. Deans and Chairs at participating schools will be invited to the workshop.
Although there have been tremendous innovations in design, material sciences, bio and information technologies, and engineering, direct interactions and collaborations between scientists, architects and engineers are rare. Scientists, engineers and architects all share the need to comprehend key social, environmental and technological issues associated with the buildings we live and work in. The research is considered particularly important as it represents a fusion of disciplines working towards a common goal for the public interest. The intent is that research of this nature will allow scientists, engineers and designers to engage the public in the excitement of new technologies and the basic research that bears them out, as well as, offering an effective tool to recruit and train students. This symposium provides a singular opportunity for intellectual exchange between investigators pioneering this frontier and to involve next generation researchers in this discussion.