This grant provides financial support for the 5th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME2019) to be held from July 21-25, 2019 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Building on the success of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th World Congresses on ICME (held in 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017), ICME2019 is the premier forum for sharing and dissemination of the latest scientific and engineering advances in this field. Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) is an approach that uses computer modeling programs to predict the behavior of materials and integrate this information into the overall materials, processing, and manufacturing design cycle. ICME has received international attention due to its enormous potential to shorten product development time, while lowering cost and improving design and manufacturing outcomes. ICME2019 will assemble the community of ICME contributors--researchers, educators, engineers, and students--to capture the current state-of-the-art, identify current gaps in ICME efforts, and to set the stage for the future growth and application of ICME worldwide. Student participation is greatly encouraged to give students exposure to recent advances in ICME, and thus help prepare the next generation of leaders in this field. This meeting is open to all interested individuals from academic research, government, industry, and educational professions.
The field of ICME has helped to revolutionize materials and manufacturing design by providing the potential to shorten product development time, while lowering the associated costs. The key topical areas that will be considered at ICME2019 include: (1) the wide range of materials programs where an ICME approach validated by experimental efforts is applicable, including computational- and experimental-based talks, (2) individual computational methods utilized in ICME, (3) the roles of ICME in continuing education in industry, (4) high-throughput computing application in ICME, (5) development of materials processing and materials characterization technology, (6) incorporation of "big data, data fusion, and machine learning" for materials and product development with ICME methodologies, (7) development of database and database technology for ICME, (8) bridging the gap of across-scales materials simulation, (9) success stories of ICME on materials development, (10) ICME implementation strategies, (11) verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification, (12) interoperability, data and communications standards, and (13) ICME networking initiatives worldwide. This world congress will include over 200 presentations from around the world, with over 100 podium speakers and a robust poster session. The program has been designed to maximize interaction among modelers and experimentalists and provide a balance between breadth of information and depth of discussion and interaction opportunities.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.