The award will support participant travel costs for the 2020 Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)-Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering (CMBE) Conference being held at the Wyndham Rio Grande Resort in Puerto Rico, from January 2-6, 2020. Funds will be used to support travel awards for 12 student/postdoc fellows and 8 junior faculty, selected based on submission of a research abstract for presentation at the meeting. Networking opportunities for the awardees with leaders in the field of cellular and molecular bioengineering will be provided. The meeting will also highlight the research in this field being conducted at the University of Puerto Rico.
The conference program includes podium sessions with keynote and topical invited speakers, including both women and members of underrepresented groups. The primary objective of the meeting is to broaden the boundaries of current capabilities in cell and molecular bioengineering through pursuit of fundamental research, development of novel techniques and biological models, and translation of these discoveries into real-world technology and medical applications. The conference will introduce and integrate a diverse group of engineers and basic scientists possessing clinical and/or entrepreneurial experience. Invited speakers and keynotes will discuss how they bridge the gap between fundamental research and translation in their specific fields.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.