This award supports the student attendance at the International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN) to be held May 26 to 29, 2020, in New Orleans, Louisiana. The EIPBN meeting is an important annual lithography and nanofabrication gathering and attracts participants and presenters from academia, industry, and government laboratories. This forum is instrumental in the generation and incubation of breakthrough and transformative ideas in many scientific areas including nanotechnology and nanomanufacturing. This international conference is a key mechanism for linking basic science with engineering towards the development of useful nano-enabled products, which are significant to the US and world economies. This conference offers a forum for the open exchange of new and previously unpublished scientific research and ideas. This award will partially support the participation of undergraduate and graduate students, to train the next generation of researchers in nanotechnology and nanomanufacturing and to broaden participation by students who would otherwise not be able to attend.

EIPBN is a major international meeting and will provide a single forum for discussion of the latest developments in directed energy-enabled synthesis, fabrication, imaging, measurement and characterization of nanoscale structures, multi-layered devices and multi-scale systems. NSF funding will be used to support about 36 students financially so that students may participate in short courses, the commercial session, the technical program, and other social events. There are also a number of key student programs, including a Career Mentoring Session with academic and industry leaders, Student Breakfast with the organization committee, and Women in Nanofabrication (WIN) Luncheon to discuss diversity challenges faced by nanotechnology researchers and scientists. The conference organization committee will reach out to local universities and underrepresented groups to recruit student presenters and participants.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

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University of Texas Austin
United States
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