The effect of dilution (plasticization) of polymers on their mechanical response is important for practical application such as in the manufacture of paints and adhesives. If polymer produces a local modification of solvent or base stock, it is possible that many applications of polymers are useful because the modifications of the solvent itself are highly desirable. One case in point is the role of polymer additives used in lubricating oils; this may be a major factor in the improved properties observed for polymer-loaded oils. This research will study the effect of diluation and solvent type on the viscoelastic behavior of two linear amorphous polymers polystyrene and poly (ethyl Ethylens). Creep and creep recovery along the differential scanning calorimetne and ahaltometric measurements will be made. The study will provide the data base for a variety of system parameters used to develop theortical representation of the effect or polymer solvent thermodynamies on the iscoelastic properties of polymers.