Field experiments will be conducted to advance the understanding of wind pressures of building surfaces. The objectives of this project are (1) to acquire a reliable data base on external and internal pressures on and in buildings; (2) to assess the effects of wind direction fluctuations on wind pressures, and (3) to validate available wind tunnel and analytical models. The firld tests will be conducted in Lubbock, TX, where frequent high wind conditions exist; the building to be tested is an ordinary commercial structure placed in an open, flat, and unobstructed terrain; wind speeds and directions, at several height levels, will be measured simultaneously with pressures, using the automated instrumented building together with 100 ft. tower. The first year of research activities will concentrate on establishing the facility, calibrating instruments, and checking the data-adquisition system. The second year will be devoted to build the data base, analyze it, and compare with wind tunnel data. A third year of field studies, in which the building would be rotated so as to offer another angle of atack to wind may be pursured.