This program of research is aimed at gaining a general understanding of the design process, developing new forms of computer tools and methods for designers, and implementing and evaluating these tools in a realistic design environment. The research will be carried out by an interdisciplinary design team of faculty associated with the Exploratory Design Laboratory (EDL). The research will focus on three areas: 1) computer tools for aiding design problem formulation, 2) adaptation of analysis tools to design tools, and 3) methods and computer tools for rapid prototyping. The result of this research will be computer-based aids to designers in each of these three areas as well as a continuing improvement in understanding and implementation of modern design methods. These aids and methods will be tested in a structured graduate educational program. In the EDL, students have proven to be an excellent resource for trying out new ideas, for getting useful feedback, and for propagating successful ideas. Through the use of guides, software, and remote access to implementation servers, the research results will be rapidly disseminated into research and educational communities.