A model will be developed to better understand how water resources are managed under drought conditions in the U.S. humid southeast, to examine which are the coping mechanisms used, and to determine what are the alternative water management schemes the region could adopt for the next droughts. The drought of 1986 will be taken as the case study. This event will be examined and characterized, the lack of success of state government planning for and response to drought will be determined, and the preparedness of municipalities and the agricultural sector will be evaluated. Past regional water resources and drought research will be considered in developing the model as well as the available technical information on comprehensive, or separate, surface and groundwater development, management and allocation. The responsibilities of municipalities, other governmental entities, and the private sector in responding to drought will be factored into the model as well. The project will be structured to involve local, state and federal water agencies, industries, agriculture and scientific organizations. The P.I. is highly qualified to carry out the project, thus, an award is recommended.