This project focuses on optimal control of multiple robots, specifically, on the most rapid way to perform pick and place operations with two link robot arms, where the actuators have bounded torques. Most research on two arm systems has addressed the development of the equations of motion, or control schemes based on position control to a given path. This work looks at control optimization. The configuration assumed for this work comprises a two arm manipulator with fixed base, bounded torques at both shoulder and elbow, forces only and no moment applied to payload, and rigid links and payload. Initial work has been directed at the case for small payload motions, where the payload starts and finishes with zero linear and angular velocity, and the optimization problem was to minimize travel time from the initial to final position. In the current study, large payload motions are studied, and several cases are investigated including (1) specified initial and final position, (2) open initial conditions, (3) constraints on the internal force in the payload, (4) payload held by friction as opposed to being pinned to the manipulator, and (5) moving base. The research impact will be on the increased efficiency of robotic systems.