This is a SGER project to collect and to study the perishable earthquake and structural response/damage data due to the October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. This project aims to establish a complete computerized data base of unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings using a portfolio of 2,007 such buildings in San Francisco, to survey the damage data, and to assess the accurate damage to URMs in a consistent manner. This data base will be provided with additional information such as soil conditions, adjacent building conditions, and street frontage to facilitate subsequent analysis and other utilization. By individual field survey, sorting and processing and in conjunction with a companion effort of URMs evaluation program of the San Francisco city, a complete pre-earthquake/post earthquake damage data base will be produced. Statistical summaries of the results will be documented and made available to the public, along with a description of the field data base and its possibilities. The collection and computerization of the data base in this project will serve the needs of researchers for purposes of mitigating URM hazards in the future.