The National Clearinghouse for Loma Prieta Earthquake Information has collected and distributed during the past year information produced as a result of the Loma Prieta earthquake. This award provides continuing support for this effort for two additional years. The Clearinghouse is administered by the National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering. The purpose of NISEE is to disseminate information on earthquake engineering and allied fields to practicing engineers and related professionals, academic researchers, government agencies and the general public. Material from the earthquake will be collected, indexed in the NISEE database and through library resource sharing utilities, publicized at conferences, in publications and through a printed catalog. In addition the engineering section of the joint interagency (NSF, FEMA, NIST and USGS) report on the Loma Prieta earthquake will be produced. The report will highlight research sponsored by NSF on the Loma Prieta earthquake, document damage caused by the earthquake and remediation efforts, and identify the implications of this information for earthquake hazard mitigation practices and research.