9307666 Abrams The project will investigate the use of existing analytical models for determining nonlinear dynamic response of precast concrete frame systems with ductile connections. Computational models developed previously within the PRESSS program will be verified by correlating computed response with measured response of three reduced scale structures. Each of the reduced scale frame systems will be constructed using frame connection details derived from full scale PRESSS experiments. Test structures will be subjected to an array of light, moderate and strong simulated earthquake motions using the Illinois shaking table. Hysteresis relations for reduced scale frame connections will be characterized for input to computational models based on results of a supplemental series of proposed static tests. In addition to verifying numerical models, dynamic response of the physical models will be used to suggest simplified analytical procedures for calculating dynamic response. Results of these simplified procedures will then be correlated with response computed with more complex models for verification. In addition, response computed using simplified models will be correlated with measured dynamic response of an actual precast frame building subjected to an earthquake. Once developed, the simplified analytical methods will be used to examine system response for various frame systems in different U.S. seismic zones with different site characteristics. This study will be h) 0*0*0* done with the purpose of extrapolating large scale component test data to design of frame structural systems across the nation. ***