Kassner 9413131 The research is to develop an efficient spheroidization technology for several aluminum alloys. Specific heating processes and cycles, compositions, and forming operations will be developed that allow effective production and fabrication of spheroidized semi-solids as determined by cost and final material properties. Traditional metal shaping processes such as casting and forging can be dramatically improved in terms of cost and reliability using novel semi-solids alloys. However, this is possible only with special processing of semi-solids to ensure a spheroidized microstructure. Semi-solids with a typical dendritic morphology of the solid phase cannot be readily shaped due to cracking. To date, producing a spheroidized microstructure on a commercial scale has been difficult. The research is directed at the use of semi-solids in the casting of aluminum alloys. The reduction of casting temperatures in foundries is a worthy goal. The manufacturing process development is a collaborative effort between an aluminum industry and the university. The commerical potential of the work is high.