9423751 Daemen This is the 35th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, to be convened at the University of Nevada, Reno on June 4-7, 1995. The objective of the biennial U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium is to provide a forum for the interdisciplinary exchange of information among rock mechanics practitioners and researchers. The interdisciplinary nature of the interchange is emphasized, because rock mechanics research is conducted in a variety of disciplines, e.g. civil, mining, geological, and petroleum engineering, structural geology, hydrology, and geophysics. Given the numerous and wide-ranging disciplines involved, it unquestionably can be rather difficult to maintain a clear perception of ongoing research. The interdisciplinary nature of the subject makes it particularly necessary and important for practitioners to be able to meet regularly, on a formal as well as informal basis. Workshops and field trips before and after the Symposium will provide opportunities for deeper pursuit of selected topics.