9504193 Spainhour This project will investigate fiber wraps in strengthening and protecting bridge columns and piles exposed to salt water. The effectiveness of fiber wraps in reducing chloride permeability will be evaluated, as well as, their ability to protect columns and piles continually subject to saltwater exposure from the damaging effects of corrosion. The effects of exposure to a tidal marine environment on the strength, stiffness, and durability of the wrap itself will also be addressed. The research involves three years of accelerated exposure simulating a tidal condition using a saltwater immersion tank. To test a variety of exposure conditions, certain columns will be precracked; others will be treated with the fiber wraps after a period of exposure to the seawater. The research will determine: 1) Whether fiber wraps extend the life cycle of a newly placed column, 2) Whether fiber wraps are cost effective in comparison to other treatment and repair techniques, and 3) At which points in the column life cycle is it cost-effective to apply fiber wraps as either a corrosion prevention or repair device. ***