9527375 Elgamal This action concerns the analysis and interpretation of downhole seismic records from the Hualien site in Taiwan. Over the past four years, extensive studies of downhole array data from recorded earthquake motions at Lotung, Taiwan, and at the Wildlife Refuge site, Imperial County, CA, have resulted in the identification of a great deal of practically-oriented site and soil dynamic response characteristics. The identification of these characteristics is entirely based on the recorded downhole acceleration data. Through these studies, a system of well developed and integrated techniques has evolved for conducting state-of-the-art analyses of downhole array data. In this project, these techniques are used to analyze the recorded downhole Hualien seismic records. These records are used to identify the site low-amplitude shear wave velocity profile, and shear wave propagation; also the soil dynamic response properties. The primary analysis tools used are optimization routines combined with site amplification codes. Emphasis is placed on the definition of practical analysis methodologies, and design-oriented procedures. ***