9531399 King The dynamics of nonlinear repetitive systems in the presence of structural mistunings are investigated. Repetitive systems, such as bladed disk assemblies in turbomachinery, rotor blade assemblies in helicopters and stacked rotating disks in digital storage media, are characterized by a number of nearly identical qubstructural elements coupled together in various spatial configurations. In this research project, the combined influences of structural mistunings and nonlinearities in generating localized motions in repetitive structures of engineering importance are considered. Admissible structural mistunings include variations in material and structural parameters (linear mistunings) and asymmetric nonlinearities (nonlinear mistunings). Both weak and strong nonlinearties are investigated for their effectiveness in generating spatially localized notions. Analytical characterization of mistuned repetitive structures using multiple-scales and nonlinear normal mode techniques are advanced. Structural parameters of importance in generating motion confinement characteristics and vibration isolation techniques are identified via numerical and experimental investigations.***