Twomey 9622132 This research planning grant centers on investigation into the analysis and maximization of large complex industrial systems through Advanced Distributed Simulation (ADS). ADS technology provides an interactive, time-consistent synthetic environment for geographically distributed simulations. It is a combination of live, virtual and constructive simulation. This research focuses on ADS as a tool for the analysis and maximization of large complex manufacturing systems. ADS provides the capability for enterprise-wide modeling (within the enterprise: design and manufacturing processes; and outside the enterprise: vendors and small supporting manufacturers) through a fully integrated system of individual simulations, where the ultimate goal is the maximization of the entire system. The outcome of the proposed research will (1) highlight the advantages and potential benefits of fully integrated systems for the analysis and maximization of an entire industrial system, and (2) contribute to the advancement of simulation aggregation specifically addressing issues related to ADS. A planning grant is necessary so that: (1) a complete understanding of ADS may be gained, (2) opportunities for an ADS application to a targeted local manufacturer may be investigated, (3) a simple but representative prototype may be developed with at least one neural network aggregation model, and (4) a full-scale NSF proposal can be written.