9624188 Tsiotras This CAREER project integrates the research and educational aspects of dynamics and control of nonlinear systems. Specifically, a special class of nonlinear systems, namely those with rotating components is emphasized. A wide variety of engineering systems such as aircrafts, robots, lathes, milling machines, and underwater vehicles fall in this category. An in depth analysis of the dynamics and kinematics of the chosen system is carried out including effective modeling of system equations, stabilization and optimal control of each subsystem, synthesis of individual controllers at the subsystem level into a complete controller for the original system, and controller implementation under actuator/sensor failure. The research results are verified experimentally in the rotating machinery and controls(ROMAC)laboratory. The educational activities include introduction of new courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, participation in a minority mentoring program, outreach activities at local schools, and development of a dynamics and controls laboratory for both research and teaching.***