9713739 Jones This project is to conduct the analysis of wind load and structural resistance data from the Town of Southern Shores (North Carolina) low-rise training facility structure. With the support of Project Blue Sky-developed by the Town of Southern Shores and funded through FEMA and industrial sponsors-the- PI is installing a full-scale measurement system in the Pitts Training Center. The System will record the wind environment, pressures, and structural responses for a multi-year period. The analysis of the collected data will be made using state-of- the-art procedures, and the tailoring and further development of those procedures to the wind engineering context. Specifically, in addition to routine statistical analyses, the wavelet transform will be used as a fundamental tool to improve understanding of the physical processes involved in bluff-body aerodynamics. In addition, it is envisioned that these techniques will improve our ability to model wind loads on bluff structures through he use of wind tunnel techniques. If the structure experiences Atlantic storms over the next two- year period, the likelihood that high-quality data will be collected under strong- (up to hurricane-) wind conditions is high. These data will be unique, and potentially will provide insights into wind loading on low-rise structures that have heretofore been impossible. ***